Thursday 16 July 2015


How would you feel if someone said this to you:

Look at me!
Look at me!
Are you looking at me?
Is everyone looking at me?
No, don’t look over there.
There’s nothing to look at over there.
Look at me!

What is it that keeps some of us glued to the TV screen?

Click here to answer the television addiction test about your addiction level.

Now get into groups and create a questionnaire to find out about your classmates' behaviour. 

Are they too keen on:
  • shopping 
  • working 
  • eating chocolate?
  • checking your cell phone?
How often, why, who with do they do this activity? 
Finally, present the findings of your survey to the class.



What comes to your mind when you see the word secrets?

Get into pairs and discuss the following:


Secrets discussion questions by kierandonaghy

You'll now watch a film called Your Secret. Follow the instructions in it and be prepared to reveal your secret to your classmates. 

Think of something that was important for you when you were small, something fun, or a time when you couldn't keep someone's secret.

Share your story with the class. In what ways is it similar or different from your classmates'?

Write your story.

Source: Kieran Donaghy. Film English.

Monday 28 January 2013

Starting off

Welcome to 402! To start off, get into pairs and talk to your classmate about the following:

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Report and presentation about an issue of debate

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

You read the following statement in a newspaper:

Young people nowadays waste their free time.

In pairs, create a survey to find out how young people spend their free time. You can use Survey Monkey.

Present your findings to class using a graph or pie chart. 

Thursday 19 January 2012

Compare and contrast

Use the pictures in this book to practise for the Speaking Paper, Part 2.

Thursday 7 July 2011

What can we learn from them?

Most animals help us and provide good lessons by showing their wisdom in different ways. Look at the following examples and choose your own species to make a presentation about the way it helps humans.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

My local festival

Your teacher has asked you to make a presentation about a festival.

A mindmap is a helpful tool to present your ideas more clearly.

Access by clicking at the top of the image and create a mindmap of the festival you are presenting.

You can find information about festivals around the world on the Onestopenglish website.